People named John Huben
Below are 2 people with the first name John and the last name Huben. Try the Huben Family page if you can't find a particular Collaborative Biography in your family tree.
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2 John Huben Biographies
John Huben was born on June 8, 1912, and died at age 47 years old in August 1959. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember John Huben.
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Similar Huben names
Huben biographies alphabetically beginning with Alexander and ending with William Huben.
Alexander Huben (Jul 28, 1887 - Jan 1981)
Alice Huben
Alma Huben (Mar 24, 1905 - Oct 25, 1997)
Beatrice Huben (Aug 22, 1907 - Aug 1972)
Ben Huben (Oct 19, 1908 - Oct 1971)
Carl Huben (Sep 9, 1970 - Nov 20, 1999)
Catherine Huben (Feb 24, 1897 - Apr 1983)
Donald Huben (Apr 11, 1944 - Mar 28, 2009)
Edith Huben (Jul 4, 1919 - Jan 1986)
Edward Huben (Sep 3, 1892 - Jan 14, 1989)
Eleanor Huben (Sep 18, 1916 - Nov 30, 1995)
Elizabeth Huben (Jul 8, 1917 - Nov 7, 2006)
Ernest Huben
Eva Huben (Mar 28, 1892 - Jul 15, 1966)
Evelyn Huben (May 20, 1914 - Sep 16, 2005)
Felix Huben (Oct 2, 1898 - Jan 1972)
Fred Huben (Apr 12, 1896 - Apr 1987)
Helen Huben (Dec 15, 1891 - Dec 1978)
Herbert Huben (May 28, 1920 - May 10, 2011)
Ione Huben (Dec 13, 1916 - Jul 20, 2009)
Irene Huben (May 22, 1902 - Dec 18, 1994)
Isabel Huben (May 22, 1896 - Dec 1977)
James Huben (Jun 26, 1923 - Aug 4, 2003)
Janet Huben (Born c. 1973)
Jeanette Huben (Mar 21, 1930 - Mar 28, 2011)
John Huben
Joseph Huben
Josephine Huben (Jan 29, 1908 - Dec 7, 2003)
Lawrence Huben (Dec 13, 1903 - Oct 1986)
Lisette Huben (Born c. 1976)
Marie Huben (Jun 19, 1925 - May 8, 2011)
Martin Huben (Aug 12, 1914 - Jan 20, 1993)
Mary Huben
Melvin Huben (May 12, 1936 - Feb 24, 2009)
Patty Huben (Jun 4, 1989 - Aug 8, 1993)
Peter Huben (Sep 17, 1901 - Jan 30, 1988)
Robert Huben (May 15, 1916 - Apr 1987)
Rose Huben (Oct 28, 1912 - Jul 1977)
Rudolph Huben
Sophie Huben (May 4, 1895 - Dec 1964)
Stephen Huben (Dec 9, 1898 - Jun 1992)
Thomas Huben (Feb 26, 1935 - Apr 18, 2005)
Veronica Huben (Jul 26, 1918 - Aug 1991)
Vincent Huben (Oct 15, 1906 - Sep 1970)
Viola Huben
Wayne Huben (Jul 8, 1946 - Feb 12, 2007)
Werner Huben (Dec 31, 1910 - Jul 1972)
William Huben